
Our Course Program

Each of our operational courses begin with an introduction to system navigation, including search filters and favorites. We also cover the general concept of milestones & exceptions, organizations, and finish with operational billing.

Ocean Export Operations

3-Day Course delivered via Zoom

This training course provides a deep dive into Ocean Export processes and CargoWise functionalities. On successful completion of this course, users will have solid understanding of a Shipment vs. Consol, key data elements, electronic carrier messaging, dangerous goods, origin & destination compliance* & more.

*Compliance includes: Filing AES, ISF, CDS (where applicable), and common MAWB destination requirements

Ocean Import Operations

3-Day Course delivered via Zoom

This comprehensive training course provides a deep dive into Ocean Import processes and CargoWise functionalities. On successful completion of this course, users will have solid understanding of a Shipment vs. Consol, Delivery Orders, and a best practice approach to using CargoWise.

Air Export Operations

3-Day Course delivered via Zoom

This comprehensive training course provides a deep dive into Air Export processes and CargoWise functionalities. On successful completion of this course, users will have solid understanding of the air export requirements including Known/Unknown Shippers, Handling Instructions, origin & destination compliance*, and more.

Air Import Operations

3-Day Course delivered via Zoom

This comprehensive training course provides a deep dive into Air Import processes and CargoWise functionalities. On successful completion of this course, users will have solid understanding of a Shipment vs. Consol, AWB automation, Split Cargo visibility, and delivery orders.





